Saturday, October 4, 2008

AZ: almost cross country

Hello dear blogreaders

Finally again some time for an update (and something to talk about that's worth it). The last weeks I spend mostly flying solo/dual at falcon fields (touch & go's, full stop taxi back landings, different patterns and landing techniques) & in the neighbouring practise areas for the manoeuvres. Today I had (saturday the 4th) my 2 last solo missions before the pre-navigation check. 3 missions with navigation (complete a navigation log, calculate headings, speeds, power settings, ... and fly as precisely as possible) will follow next week, the check probably too. Lots of preparation and long flights (up till 4 hours), but I'm looking forward to it! (flying patterns and manoeuvres gets boring after a while).

Since yesterday I'm also living in another appartment! One of the students of group A of our prom wanted to change, and for me it wasn't really an issue. It was nice over there where I used to live, but here it's also ok. I'm now living with Pieter (Hutsebaut), Dan and Hannes. When they go back to Belgium, I'll move back into the appartment of Olivier, Kristof & Adrien.

What else can I say ... oh yes, the weather over here. Finally it's cooling down a bit. Today we have some clouds and lots of wind, maximum 28°C. Nice! (except for the wind if you have to fly).

The next post will be again one with some pics. And before I would forget about it: yes, I miss Belgium! (eventhough I know the weather isn't the best one for the moment).
