Monday, April 7, 2008

the offical exams: the official dates.

Today, we received a mail from our beloved student administrator Klaartje with the dates of the official theoretical ATPL exams (which we have to pass before we can go to the states for the practical part, of course). Since I'm in group B, I'll do them in june (group A will do them in may). So, the dates:

  • 03/06: AM: Flight planning, PM: Mass & Balance and Performance

  • 09/06: AM: General navigation and radio navigation, PM: Principles of flight and Human performance & limitations

  • 23/06: AM: Airframes & systems, power plant, instruments and electronics, PM: air law

  • 26/06: AM: Meteorology, PM: Operational procedures and communications

Quit a lot for a short period of time, there is also a strict time limitation for every test (it's computer based) and you have to pass with 75% for every test.

Today we finished the course of Piston engines (part of power plant), in a few weeks we'll have a final progress check about that one. Now there's only principles of flight and aiframes and systems 1 left to finish. Meanwhile, I also did my 2nd and 3th mission on the FNPT II and now I have again some time to study for the last theoretical courses and to prepare everything for the 4th mission. But that won't be for soon, since group A has priority and some people of prom 3 are also having some missions.

Still some months to go before the official exams, but time goes fast ...
