Thursday, November 27, 2008

AZ: Diamond 40

About a week ago, November the 19th, I had my last VFR check, mission 65. I had to plan a flight to Gilla Bend (E63), southwest of Phoenix. There were many items we discussed during the debriefing, things I should keep better in mind but also positive points, overall the flight was good (and that was the most important). A few days later there was a briefing about the Diamond 40 and now I already performed 3 flights on it. It's much different than the Archer ... more sensitive controls, a glass cockpit, a stick instead of a control wheel, ... it takes some time to get used to it but overall it's nice to fly on it.

Yesterday (wednesday) the weather wasn't that good, Rain, wind, low cloudbase ... but still good enough to fly. But as weather can change rapidly, we had to divert to Gateway airport and wait there for about half an hour before we could go back to Falcon Fields. For a few moments I had the feeling being back in Belgium :-). Afterwards I flew a mission and backseated another time ... and in the evening Pieter, Bert and I went to a concert of coldplay. back in my bed at 2AM, a day of 22 hours ... long enough to sleep a bit longer in the morning :). Today it's thanksgiving, tomorrow I'll fly again. And in the weekend I'll start probably with the night flights.

Van AZ - Belgisch weer