Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day 10

After a chill-out evening with Pieter (other classmate from Aalst who is living in Leuven during the theoretical training at SFA) with some good beers in "De blauwe kater" (a pub in Leuven), I got up friday morning later than usual. Not that I didn't want to go to school, but the weather was typical Belgian: rainy. On those moments the only thing you wish is getting that ATPL as soon als possible, finding a job with an airliner and spending most part of the day ABOVE those rainy clouds.

courses of the day were: Communications (Don't use always "Roger") and principles of flight (what's lift, drag, ...). In the evening we (people from prom6) also received an e-mail from jetair with the schedule of the next 15 days (01/10 - 15/10) to arrange an observation flight if we want so. Only problem: we still didn't receive our uniform which is obligatory for those flights! Can't wait to enter a jetair cockpit with my newly fresh SFA uniform for my first observation flight. By the way: one of the destinations is Cancun (in Mexico), but I think I'll skip that destination in my choice: I don't want to spend the whole weekend on OO-TUC :-).

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