Wednesday, October 17, 2007

day 23 - 17 okt 2007 (updated)

Since last week, we have "flight planning". This week, we started to use a VFR chart, used for visual navigation (so using landmarks, but also VOR's, NDB's, DME's, ... at low altitudes). The chart we use is the ED-6 chart, which covers the southern part of Germany and of course also a part of Switserland, Austria and France. It is a very interesting course, given by an pilot of brussels airlines who loves the avro's :-). And what makes the courses the more interesting is that I know some places on the chart ! (I have a friend who used to study/live in Friedrichshafen and I visited her in march, just before my selection tests in april). So this is a special one for Melanie and Annika :-).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yhea, that bloody 5-APU plane pilot..
it looks like and eagle, but fly like a chicken, that "plane". xD

To be more serious! keep going up, keep working, have some great days at SFA!