Sunday, September 9, 2007

Still on the ATC Clearance channel ...

Since a few days, I am again able to walk normally, to use my bike, to take the stairs several times a day to go to my room without the need to take a break after every 4 steps ... that feels good :-). As I'm still waiting for the piece of paper that says I'm qualified to become a pilot (professionalism of the belgian government), I already started refreshing my knowledge of physics (thanksfully, it isn't that long ago I studied all that). My room is totally clean, my bookshelves are almost empty, ready to receive the books I'll have to study the next 8 months.

one more week to go ... I'm getting pretty excited about it by now !

Swiss International Airlines vs. Sobelair, Airbus vs. Boeing


desk #1 (study)

desk #2 (computer)

1 comment:

J.N.P.Diaz said...

Hey, Pit:
Excelente. Esa es mi bandera, mi bandera....
Toda una bandera.