Sunday, august the 17th. With only about half an hour delay, we take off from runway 20 at brussels airport. No strikes or other problems, what a relief once we felt the lift of and the wheels being retracted. About 8 hours later we landed at Washington Dules airport, a nice thing about United airlines is that you can hear the communications between the cockpit and the controllers. The weather was pretty good, so we were cleared for a visual approach runway 15C. Hot weather is always combined with some convection, so the approach was a bit bumpy. Disembarking was being followed by the “normal” procedure: immigration (fingerprints, smile-at-the-camera, passport & documents), get the luggage and drop it a few meters further back on the transport band, customs, security check (even for connecting flights). A few hours later (18:19 local time, 00:19h belgian time) we took of at washington, heading west again direction Phoenix. Less room for the leggs in an airbus A319 after a long flight in a 777 … but after all it was a nice flight. Arrival was on time, around 6 o’clock in the morning Belgian time … but still I felt quit awake. Bagage drop at the appartments, quick installation because the next day was already filled with administrative and practical sessions at our school.
From monday till thursday our days were filled with briefings, adminstrative stuff, enjoying the good weather, swimming pool & jacuzzi at our appartments, going to the supermarket, buying food and also some furniture, since the appartments were quit empty upon arrival. We also didn’t had internet the first week, so that was another thing we had to arrange. Although things are quit cheap here with the USD, I hope it was the most expensive week of our stay here ☺.
I’ve already made some pics, not too many but I think enough to still everyone’s hunger. This weekend (monday including) I’ll be studying a bit (flows, checklists, general stuff we need to know before flying the Archer), if we’re lucky we’ll start flying as from wednesday on. But that’s if we’re lucky.
Didn’t went to the swimming pool yet today, so that’s something for now ☺ it’s now 21:41 o’clock, it just rained a few drops … wonderful weather conditions.
I’ll be back soon with a new update with pics!
(click on the pictures below to go to the albums)
1 comment:
WE WANT MORE pictures
WE WANT MORE pictures
have fun, en blokt goe !
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