Saturday, September 6, 2008

AZ: friday missions, evening pics & trip to the zoo

Friday the 5th of september, I flew mission 26 & Olivier mission 25 afterwards. This sessions (and probably the next week too) we'll practise on the pattern (touch & go's), landing technique and the manoeuvres to get me ready for the solo (should be somewhere at the end of the upcomming week of the week afterwards). According to the instructor I'm on track, so that's good.

Today (saturday) some of us went to the zoo! It was -again- a hot but lovely day. I'd say, enjoy the pictures on a probably rainy sunday (though I hope the weather stays dry over there in Belgium)!


AZ - Mission 26

AZ - Mission 25 (Olivier)

AZ - evening at SATC

AZ - Trip to the zoo

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